I'm still here, I've just been very busy. Ron and I turned the back 2/3 of our garage into a storeroom for all my stuff I sell on Etsy, eBay and my new store. We did a beautiful job and it looks so nice. I have an on the wall vent-less gas heater on the wall (it has always been there) and run the dehumidifier for 3 hours each day to make sure it says nice and dry. We worked on the garage for almost 2 weeks whenever we could squeeze in some time.
Then I spent several days developing a new store and some days I was ready to throw in the towel. I had been thinking about this for a while now and watched several YouTube videos and followed one by Tyler Moore. He is very good and has over 100 videos and would recommend him. It was a little harder than I thought it would be but it is up and running and have had 3 orders so far. In my new store I only sell Amish and Mennonite items and have 100+ items so far and have at least 100 more items that need added as soon as I sell some more items. My racks only hold so many items and I have four 7' racks jammed with items that are listed.
Here is my new stores web site:
Also I have an Facebook page for me and my store and would love if you would follow and like it:
Thanks so much for those that keep reading my blogs and hope to write more that I have in the past year. Being retired is a busy life for me but I love every minute of it.