Thursday, August 30, 2012

Part III of The Adventures of Paula and Renee

Pretty calm day.  Up early and canned 4 quarts of white peaches, hung 2 loads of wash out and then on to pick up Renee.  Got the book on canning jars and then to Big R to get some more canning seals and vinegar.  Big R is a farm store that is in Ill and Indiana.  They have the cheapest canning seals and have a variety of other items.  Then took Renee back home and I came home and canned 6 qts of pears.  I still have pears left, lots of pears left.  My peaches are finally done and when the pears get done I have lots of apples for applesauce.
I saved the best for last, guess what Renee and I got today?  Hint, we were in the small town that has a Libby pumpkin canning plant and this town has a pumpkin festival every year.  If you said pumpkins you are correct.  After the apples looks like Renee and I will be canning pumpkin.
The "adventures" series will be on hold for a little while.  I HAVE to do yard work tomorrow before the big rain hits our area Friday night.  I will also pick the garden and then a trip to deliver eggs to Gina at the hospital.  I think I have 8 dozen of eggs and am totally out of egg cartons.  I have 2 bowls of over 3 dozen of eggs in them.  Gina will have to meet me and I will have to fill the egg cartons that she has.  I will not buy cartons and have never been totally out.  Usually the people who get the eggs recycle the cartons, I'm not sure what has happened.
Later, take care.


  1. Would you like for me to start my friends saving their egg cartons for you...I will. I love your blog and am so jealous of you and Renee. I sure wish my mom was around to give me tips on what Grandma used to do. I met your Ron last week. I think I threw him for a loop at first...anyway love you and keep blogging!!

    1. I would love the egg cartons. Yes Renee and I do some crazy things but we are having fun.

  2. Yes we will have take a few days off :( I have peaches and pears to do tomorrow, drain the pool a little incase we do get a couple inches of rain, pick garden, dehydrate a few things and the list goes on!!
