Yesterday morning my first chicken hatched and then throughout the day I had several more chickens and a few turkeys hatch. I've had some deaths to go along with the births. Right now I have 11 chickens and 2 turkeys that are thriving in the brooder (level 3 nursery). In level 2 nursery I have a chicken that will go to the brooder in the morning, 2 turkeys that probably won't make it. One has a leg problem and the other is constantly on its back. I also have a turkey that just got out of its shell and looks good. In level 1 nursery I have lots of chicken eggs and several turkey eggs that candled good but have not started to hatch yet. My hatch rate is less that I had hoped but need to remind myself this is the first time I have done this and there is no way to guarantee an egg is fertile, no way to guarantee that if if you do everything correct you will have a good outcome. It's a gamble and I hate to gamble.
At this rate I will be putting more chicken eggs and turkey eggs in again next week and hope to have a better outcome.
First egg that hatched. |
First batch of chickens and turkeys going out to the brooder. |
The black ones are turkeys. |
I guess they were a little frightened, the minute I put them in the transfer box they peed and pooped. |
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