Monday, October 28, 2013

New Laptop Has Finally Arrived

I had a super high at 11:30 when FedEx delivered my new laptop.  By 12:30 I was at a super low.  My desktop and old laptop had Vista operating system and this laptop has Windows 8 operating system.  To me it's like speaking English to speaking a foreign language.  The only thing I was able to do on my own was set it up, connect to wireless and install MS Office Software.  Ian helped me the best he could and he has it functional right now and my son Ron will be over Wednesday afternoon to help me and to transfer the needed things from my old hard drive to this one.  It sure is a learning curve and feel better tonight about things. 
I need to play around and explore more on it and find all the those hidden gems. 
The laptop itself is beautiful, have a 17' screen, number keypad, nice shinny black and of course it is a HP the only brand I will purchase.  In a couple of weeks I will be sailing very smooth but right now the seas are a little rough.   


  1. Some Win8 Machines come with the option for Win7.
    Win8 sucks.
    Kim has had hers for over a year and still is frustrated with it.

    1. Don't tell me that. It is not user friendly at all.
