Except for the wire skirting that is going on Friday and the staining that will be done when it gets warmer and finding something to put over a part of the top of the run to keep out rain and sun the turkey coop is finished. Thelma has laid 4 eggs since moving in, not in her nest box but always next to it so I put in a different nest box yesterday. Maybe she didn't like the first one and hopefully will like this one. Ted, I don't know about Ted. He has to be happier not constantly being picked on but he doesn't seem to be happy. I hope he is not depressed because I'm not sure they make depression meds for turkeys. We do plan on keeping a tom and a couple hens from those we hatch so maybe he will be happier when they move in.
Turkey coop front view, pretty good for about 85% of the materials being recycled items and free. |
The run side view. |
Just checking in from Texas,we're doing fine, so far, family's all well, had a great Easter, turkey coop looks wonderful!!! Take care, blessings G.