Monday, November 12, 2012

My Husbands Clean Vs My Clean

Before I had surgery on my hand I told my husband he was going to have to step up and do some things around the house to help out.  Well that lasted maybe 2 days before I had to beg him to help which always ends in an exchange of words.  This weekend I asked him to do a couple of things including doing the dishes.  After 2 days of dirty dishes I proceeded to do them the best I could with 1 hand.  As I was doing them he came in and said "I was going to do them, you just didn't give me enough time".  Now it's not like he had other things to do unless you call gluing yourself in front of the TV something important that needed done.  Right now there is another stack of dishes that need done and the house cleaned which he was going to do yesterday.  So far I have swept and moped the kitchen, did the sink of dishes, washed a load of laundry, dusted furniture, stripped the bed, put clean sheets on that took me 20 minutes to do and vacuumed the house.  When he gets home he WILL NOT notice that anything was done today.  Most of the time he says "well what did you do today and looks around"?
Why is it some men do not see a pile of dishes, laundry piled high or the house a mess and do something?  No one tells me to clean, cook, laundry or dishes; I just do them when I see the need.  WOW I feel a little better after this rant and a couple of pain pills one of which was Norco; not a lot but a little.


  1. I don't think it's "some" men. I would say "most" men. LOL Found your blog a few weeks ago and have really enjoyed reading through all your posts. You are my canning inspiration! Hope you heal quickly.

    1. I agree with the word most. I just don't understand them and probably never will.

  2. If a man SAYS he is going to do something, he WILL do it.
    There is no need to ask him about it every six months.

    1. SLB, 6 months, more like 12 months for you.

    2. Hey - it still gets done!
