Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Leather Britches

I am making leather britches the modern way and have my dehydrator full of green beans right now.   Leather britches were done years ago by taking a nice strong piece of thread.string, tying a knot on one end and sticking the needle through one end of the green bean.  After your piece of thread/string was full you would hang it in an airy spot out of direct sunlight until they were completely dry.  You would then store them in an airtight container until ready to use.
After mine are dry I will put them in quart of half gallon Ball jars and use them in soups.  I also will try them by cooking them just like I would fresh beans and add some onion, bacon or ham and potatoes.  We are not a can green bean family, we eat them fresh or in vegetable soups.

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