Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hot, Hot and Hot

First thing this morning Ron and I picked blackberries and I got 5 cups so that means another bag to make a pie with.  Cleaned up and then did our shopping for the week.  Then we went over to Renee's for a surprise 40th birthday party that Tony's parents had for him.  Had a nice lunch and then came home to rest before we take care of the chickens and to take down the load of laundry that I hung out earlier. 
I have hung all laundry out for this past week and it has gone pretty good.  The grandson wants me to go back to using the dryer, he doesn't like the feel of the towels or jeans after being on the line.  I informed him that this was how it was going to be and that I was in my 20's before I wore clothes that had been dried in a dryer.  I did have to dry a load of towels in the dryer yesterday; after I washed the load it looked like it would rain which it did so I dried them in the dryer.  When Ian took his shower this morning he remembered that I had dried a load in the dryer and instead of getting a towel from the linen closet he got one out of the basket that had not been folded yet so he could have one from the dryer.  That is so sad; kids.
Got 3 nice zucchinis from Renee and am going to can a batch of Italian-Flavored Pickled Zucchini that I saw a recipe for in a book called Put 'em Up! by Sherri Brooks Vinton.  I went to the library last week and checked out several books on canning and have been looking at recipes and renewing my canning knowledge. 
Later, take care.

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